Maya Jaguar Graduation 2024

High School Graduates
Diego, Fredy, Mateo and Salvador
Vidalia, Nohemí, Liliana, Rosmery and Verónica
Thanks to you, our generous donors, we have concluded another successful school year at the Maya Jaguar Private Technical Institute. Of the 48 students enrolled in the middle and high school, nine students graduated from high school, and another 10 from middle school. Eight of the graduates (four from each school) also achieved top honors and received medals awarded by the Guatemalan Ministry of Education.

Middle School Graduates
Miguel, Noé and Rony
Fabiana, Jeylin, María, Diana, Yaretzi, Yasmi and Yeslin

We are proud to announce this year's Honor Graduates: Liliana, Nohemí, Rosmery, and Salvador.
Indigenous Maya represent over 40% of Guatemala’s population, but their literacy rate is considerably lower than the national average. Most are from impoverished and illiterate families and few attend school beyond the 6th grade.
With your generous support we keep changing lives – one Maya child at a time.